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My Price List

My Price List

Gwendoline Taylor´s intuitive understanding of horses has made her a much sought after portrait painter of horses in the equestrian world.

Coming into daily contact with these noble animals- she has ridden for many years- has allowed her to study at close quarters not only their wonderful physiques but also their characters. As a highly reputed horse portraitist she has been commissioned to paint many international prize winners in both in Spain and abroad.

Gwendoline paints animals from the owners own photographs or from those she takes herself. These she uses to create infinitely more than a mere photographic likeness. Her empathy with each animal she paints allows her to capture the true personality. Finest artist pastels on Canson paper are used making the finished portrait a much prized possession for the animal owner.

Cats, Dogs and Small Animals

Portraits painted with soft pastel on Canson paper. Studies of head or head and part of the body.

Prices from 250€

Horses and Large Animals

Head and neck portraits of horses painted with best quality soft pastel on Canson paper. For more than one horse or a complete body ask for more information.

Prices from 300€

Landscapes and Scenery

Watercolour or pastel landscapes are priced individually depending on tequnique and size.

Prices from 200€

Portraits and People

Portraits painted in fine quality soft pastels on Canson paper Painted from clear photos provided by the client. For more than one person or with pet request more information.

Prices from 450€

If you wish to commission my services, please email me